Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Family literacy ideas

Large cardboard boxes:   Houses, cars, tunnels, trains, castles, robots, boats, animals
Small cardboard boxes:  Treasure boxes, building blocks (stuffed with newspaper for strength)
Paper towel or toilet paper rolls:  Binoculars, musical shakers, puppets
Buttons cut from old clothing:  Collages, art projects, counting, stringing
Unused cheque books, deposit clips, ledgers:  Creative play
Used wrapping paper, bows:   Collages, artwork
Old clothes, hats, scarves, purses, jewellery:  Dress-up play
Cereal boxes, food boxes:  Playing store, 3-D collages
Bubble wrap:  Cut into squares and make a game of hopscotch
Milk cartons:  Cut opening in one side, hang and use as a bird feeder

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